Life Update SUMMER 2021

“Experiments are necessary for the experiences that create growth and new opportunities.” What a year 2020 has been. 2019 ended with me stepping away from being the Griz Basketball manager to leading the UM Advocates as a Co-coordinator, which has been a joy! I was able to devote my time to the group that helped me find myself, push my boundaries, and expand my way of thinking! I was lucky enough to travel to Las Vegas for a conference the week before Covid shut everything down, and learned very quickly how hard it is to learn from home, stay involved in my observation with a local elementary school, and also how much I relied on social interaction in my life. I think I can speak for all of us when I say it was a hard adjustment that I am still learning to navigate. I was able to continue working and starting bussing tables at a local brewery throughout the summer as I stayed in Missoula. This past fall I was struggling with taking 21 credits, working three jobs, and I started observin...